Home Blog Korean YouTuber Daud Kim has Arrived in Pakistan

Korean YouTuber Daud Kim has Arrived in Pakistan

Korean YouTuber Daud Kim has Arrived in Pakistan

Tourists resort to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to witness the sweetness of the country with their own eyes. And none has ever come back thwarted rather they merely admire and appreciate the cordial reception of Pakistanis and the way hospitable individuals are within the country. Korean YouTuber Daud Kim has Arrived in Pakistan, Strange? Right, this is often not the Pakistan the media abroad has been a representational process. Sorry to queer those who assume the Islamic Republic of Pakistan isn’t a secure and friendly country.

Korean YouTuber Daud Kim has Arrived in Pakistan

Despite the negative portrayal of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, YouTubers, vloggers, bloggers, journalists, etc. can’t facilitate however falling in love with the $64000 Pakistan. Thereupon aforementioned, Kim Daud the notable Korean Muslim YouTuber simply landed in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

A little birdie told the US that it saw Kim Daud’s look-alike in Lahore. However, they would have thought it absolutely was not a look-alike however Daud Kim himself? affirmative, we have a tendency to be dismayed and excited at an identical time. The arrival of Kim Daud in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan came as a surprise to all or any folks. We all know higher than anyone what quantity we like the Korean individuals and if that person is Kim Daud most Pakistanis’ favorite Korean Muslim YouTuber and V-logger, the thrill and happiness can’t be delineating in words.

About Daud Kim

Daud Kim, a Korean YouTuber converted to Islam 3 years ago, disclosed his visit to Pakistan on Instagram when finishing Umrah, per pictures.

From the landing field in port, the vlogger shared a photograph of a price tag to Lahore on his Instagram account. “It took 2 hours to urge the ticj=ket, however Alhamdullilah, I’m going,” he captioned the exposure, that was adorned with Pakistani flags and love.

In a separate story, the YouTuber denote a photograph of himself and expressed, “Mera intezar karo mera intezar karo mera intezar karp Pakistan, mujhe tumse pyar hai.

On the plane, he was photographed sporting a gray thobe.

“chalo Islamic Republic of Pakistan chaltay hain, he wrote on another exposure from the plane. His white AirPod case and peach AirPod case were shown within the narrative.

After his visit to Pakistan, Korean YouTuber Daud Kim has arrived in Pakistan! From the appearance of his Instagram stories, it seems that the content creator has a good time in Lahore. Kim  shared an image of a ticket from e, writing aboard it, “Two hours to urge the price tag however Alhamdulillah I’m going,” adding many Pakistani flag and heart emojis.

Kim recently performed Umrah, posting a series of images of himself in Ahram at the Kaaba and a clip of the environment.  In 2020, at one time called Jay Kim, Daud created a surprise announcement on his social media that he determined to vary his religion to Islam. I absolutely was afterward he modified his name from Jay to Daud.

Kim embraced Islam in 2019 and altered his name to Daud. The YouTuber has 3.38 million followers. We have a tendency to marvel at what is on his itinerary and whether or not he’ll be creating videos throughout his trip to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

It is noted that Kim Daud performed Umrah and pilgrim’s journey for all nationalities when it’s been because of COVID-19. Whereas playacting Umrah in Saudia, Kim didn’t share any type of stories relating to his visit to Pakistan. He was merely golf stroke stories associated with faith. However, the United Nations agency is aware of Kim was giving a surprise to his fans in Pakistan. However, he wrote that he has continually idolized the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and asked for food recommendations from his followers.